For the past several years, I’ve been trying to see if there’s a real/valid/authentic connection between thinking about some thing and then, seeing it appear or happen.

For example, suppose a vision of a hummingbird casually floats across my mind and within a few minutes, a hummingbird appears outside my window (not a common sight, mind you).

I’ve heard reports of friends and colleagues listening to the radio while driving and reminiscing about an old song, when, next thing, the very thought-about song comes on.

The reaction of the thinker seems always one of surprise, but easily dismissed as coincidence. But is it?

Is this a phenomenon of clairvoyance?  or of materialization? it seems to be an instance of cause & effect, but what’s the  cause and what’s the link? Or, as Dan Rather famously asked, “what’s the frequency, Kenneth?”

You might know or postulate, but I’m still pondering. Such thought-appearance moments have happened to me randomly, but often.

If you have a hypothesis, you are welcome to post here and share your “moments.”


(art by missenscene)